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Sunday, July 22, 2007

my july

Although it's summer already, it's been raining for the last couple days. but probably this is exactly what I have expected in my mind because I was surprisingly feeling excited and happy when seeing rain dripping down from the top of the roof.

July, so far, has been a really boring month for me, nothing special had happened and didn't do much either, well, slept a lot though. Guess this is just like a prep period for my busy August.

However I did realize something,

I hate crowd, I hate crowd, I hate crowd,


I do need company I do need company I do need company.

I enjoy it too


Emma C said...

I'll accompany you in Sep. XD

Illustration again* said...


Anonymous said...

it's me V..
haven't been to ur blog in ages..u sure did post a lot..
i'll go w/ u guys next time to tofino...but tell me EARLIER..

Lawrence said...

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